Or just Vappu in Finland German might not sound as musical or romantic as French or Italian, but it is a great language for solemn,
And warming up to Finnish sauna So today I went to a Finnish sauna at the Museum. Sauna at the Museum? Well, this is Sparta!
The Happiest Country in the World? Well, happiness is subjective It was quite a shock teleporting from the sunny beaches of Catalonia to the still
Some final thoughts on the “Reset” stuff — mine and de Tocqueville’s There is a short animation that came out recently about the “Great Reset”
Taking life as it comes day by day Cats and dogs love routine. They must eat at every day roughly at the same hour, take
Maybe both – an analysis of two versions of “Dune” I re-watched the other day “Dune” — not the recent version, but the 1984 version
The decade when everything changed I am a child of the 1980s and 1990s, so the sixties were already a distant memory when I was
A time of discoveries, from Tintin to MAD Magazine The recent death of Al Jaffee at 102 years of age (who retired at 100, after
A reflection, a Latin Mass, and a dream A reflection Today is Easter. I am here in Barcelona, or rather in a smaller place in